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Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes®  1

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Cookbook Store - Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes
Treasured ungarian Family Recipes 1


Many of the recipes included in this book, date back to the late eighteen hundreds but are still considered national treasures.  She shares with you The Secret of Hungarian Cooking®  through her time tested recipes that will familiarize you with the Flavours of Hungary™ .  You will find the delectable creations of turn of the century Budapest Café Houses, the elegant dishes of Hungarian gourmet restaurants and the mouth-watering rustic recipes of the everyday Hungarian household.  This is a very traditional collection of the author, Helen's Hungarian heritage recipes. 

She will introduce you to such authentic Hungarian recipes as Hungarian Goulash, Hungarian Goulash Soup, Hungarian Potato Paprikash, Hungarian Cabbage Rolls and of course what Hungarian heritage collection would be complete without the fiery Chicken Paprikash, which is considered another national treasure.  Hungarians are also passionate about soups and that love is reflected in the special selection of soups included in Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® 1

The book also has a special Baking section from sweet to savory.  Helen shares with you the secret of such delectable favourites as the regal Dobos Torte, the history rich Eszterhazy Cake and the aristocratic Sacher  Cake, Artisan Biscuits, Breads, Dinner Rolls and not to mention Walnut Roll (Beigli) for which the author, Helen M Radics is the Official Life Magazine Spokesperson.




Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes®  2

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Treasured Hungarian Famly Recipes 2


You will find the delectable creations of turn of the century Budapest Café Houses, the elegant dishes of Hungarian Gourmet Restaurants and the mouth-watering rustic recipes of the everyday Hungarian household. 

She will introduce you to such authentic Hungarian Goulashes, Soup, Paprikash , Meat Dishes, Pasta Dishes and traditional vegetable main dishes, called "Főzelék" in Hungarian.  They are similar to Creamed Spinach, with one main difference, without the use of "cream".  They are a lighter and healthier alternative to cooking with heavy cream.  Hungarians rarely use cream in their dishes, the rich texture of these vegetable dishes are achieved by sour cream and flour.  Hungarians are also passionate about soups and that love is reflected in the special selection of soups included in Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® 2.

The book also has a special Baking section from sweet to savory specialties that will suit any celebration.  This highly collectable, keepsake of a cookbook will let you glance back to a time long ago, that we all crave in these hurried days.  The author has the ability to transport you to turn of the century Budapest Café Houses, elegant Hungarian Gourmet Restaurant and to the tables of the everyday Hungarian household through the pages of her cookbook that will share with you The Secret of Hungarian Cooking® and make you fall in love with the Flavours of Hungary™ one dish at a time.  Her unique bouquet of recipes will bring the exotic flavors of her country to your table.

Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® 2 contains  photo pages and illustrations that bring to life such mouth-watering creations as Hungarian Goulash, Hungarian Goulash Soup, Hungarian Fish Soup and what collection would be complete without a special dessert section featuring such tempting creations as Dobos Torte, Eszterhazy Torte, Rakoczy Strudel, Gerbeaud Slice, Sweet Pretzels, Meringues, Truffles and the most traditional of them all, Hungarian Walnut & Poppy Seed Roll (Beigli).  


This books still includes an extensive herbal dictionary, Spice and Paprika History, Menu Planning, Main and Side Dishes, Breads, Biscuits, Pastries, Truffles and a wonderful section on the most beautiful Café of Hungary if not the world, the elegant New York Café of Budapest.




Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes®  3

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Treaured Hungarian Family Recipes 3


Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® 3 is a baking book and 3rd creation from successful cookbook author Helen M. Radics,  featured on CTV News and in Canadian Newspapers on more than one occasions earlier this year. The author Helen M Radics' Hungarian heritage is evident in all her recipes featured in Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes®  3.  The book is a unique collection of family favorites and her great-great Grandmother's special recipes loved for generations by the Szabo, and Tolnay families.   

In this book, Helen M Radics also includes many of her own creations, dreamed up by her fertile imagination.  Helen's books are a bountiful gathering of traditional Hungarian heritage recipes that your family will adore.  Her complete baking book is a perfect mixture of tradition and modern culinary applications.  Helen M. Radics' newest book includes many famous recipes such us Black Forest Cake, Jokai Torte, Punch Cake and special holiday cakes for Thanksgiving, Halloween, Valentine's Day,  and Christmas


Old World Favourites such as Dobos Torte, Sacher Torte, Eszterhazy Torte, Gerbeaud Slice (Zserbo), Gundel Crape and of course Hungarian Walnut Roll and Poppy Seed Rolls are also included in this wonderful collection of Hungarian heritage recipes. There is a sinful cookie section complete with Stained Glass Cookies that could be used as a Christmas tree decoration.  Spider web cookies for Halloween, Meringue Ghosts, Artisan Breads, Biscuits and perhaps the most surprising of them all, her Ham & Cheese Flowers that are wonderfully surprising for Brunch, Picnic or Christmas Day breakfast.  So don't miss out on another jewel in the world of culinary art.  A must have for the baker of the family.   Buy this easy to follow guide of some of the worlds most sought after collection of mesmerizing desserts, fragrant breads, biscuits and many more specialities.   




Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes®  1,2,3

Purchase these 3 books together and have the complete Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® collection

$ 15.00 OFF




Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes®  

Anniversary Edition

$4.99 OFF

Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes Anniversary Editio


Hungarian gastronomy is one of the main building blocks of Hungarian culture. Its unique, original, creative and flavorful dishes are the pride of the nation. Hungarian gastronomy has gone through a thousand year evolution and our nation’s respect of tradition, heritage, its turbulent past, including foreign invasions, created one of the most unique culinary creations in the World.

Hungarian food has always fascinated people regardless of their background. The authentic Hungarian Goulash in itself is considered a national treasure and has been the topic countless conversations around the dinner table for many generations. Let Helen M Radics share with you The Secret of Hungarian Cooking®  through her mouth-watering collection of recipes that will make you fall in love with The Flavours of Hungary™© one dish at a time. Your friends and family will cherish the author, Helen's Hungarian heritage recipes for generations to come.


This Anniversary Edition cookbook contains 3 complete cookbooks with all the recipes (Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® 1, Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® 2, Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® 3).  





Mom's Hungarian Heritage Recipes®

$ 5 OFF


Helen M Radics has created another wonderful collection of easy to follow, memorable recipes.  

The book's 202 pages are brought to life by photos and illustrations that let you glance into the author's well-guarded family secret recipes and traditions. She dedicated her book to her Mother and Grandmothers, who gave her the opportunity of becoming a person who adores cooking and taking care of her family through her traditional recipes filled with love and family history.

Mom's Hungarian Heritage Recipes™ is a complete cookbook including Appetizers, Salads, Main Dishes, Meat Dishes, Desserts, Savoury pastries, Breads, Biscuits, Truffles and many more recipes that have the potential of becoming new family favourites.  The book's traditional recipes are accompanied by gourmet creations and original dishes found only in the Szabo, Tolnay and Radics families. 



Hungarian Smoked Specialties
Hungarian Easter
My Mother & My Grandmothers
History of Hungarian Goulash
Your Pantry
Meat Dishes
Pasta Dishes
Desserts & Pastries




Helen's Hungarian Rhapsody of Recipes™

Flavors of Hungary

$ 5 OFF


Helen's Hungarian Rhapsody of Recipes™ cookbook is a wonderful collection of Hungarian heritage recipes passed down from generation to generation in the  Szabo, Tolnay and Radics families, featuring the mouth-watering, yet many times delicate soups, and delectable desserts of the Hungarian culinary world.  The author Helen M Radics Hungarian heritage is evident in her special collection of family recipes.  The book is illustrated by dozens of  photos, easy to follow traditional and original recipes that tempts the reader.  This book includes many traditional Hungarian recipes such as Hungarian Goulash Soup, Hungarian Bean Goulash Soup, Chicken Soup a 'la Ujhazy, Hungarian Fish Soup.  

The author Helen's Hungarian Heritage Recipe Collection could only be found in the Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes® cookbook series by Helen M Radics and in Mom's Hungarian Heritage Recipes™ by Helen M Radics / Helen's Hungarian Heritage Collection™ by Helen M Radics and her many e-books and videos. 

There is also a delectable selection of Hungarian desserts that further tempt the reader .  Don't miss out on this beautiful and easy to follow collections of traditional Hungarian heritage recipes that the whole family will treasure for years to come.  A lovely gift for that special someone who loves to keep family traditions and time tested recipes alive for generations to come. 




Helen's Hungarian Heritage Collection™

$ 5 OFF


Helen's Hungarian Heritage Collection™© is an elegant, traditional yet completely different cookbook by the author enriched by dozens of photos and fun illustrations that will show you the lighter side of the culinary world.  Reading this unique cookbook is a fun experience that will give you countless recipe ideas to surprise your family with, while completely relaxing you.  Find old world recipes, peasant dishes, original creations and gourmet specialties.  All areas of the Hungarian culinary world is represented including delectable desserts and holiday creations.  

This is a beautiful and easy to follow collections of traditional Hungarian heritage recipes that the whole family will treasure for years to come.  A lovely gift for that special someone who loves to keep family traditions and time tested recipes alive for generations to come. 


Liquid Measurements                                     
Worldwide Measurement Chart                      
Dry Measurements                                         
Oven Temperatures                                        
Hungarian Words Used
Herbal Dictionary
History of Hungarian Goulash
Peasant Favorites
Holiday Dishes
Meat Dishes
Side Dishes
Pastries and Sweets




Helen's Hungarian Heritage Collection™

Hungarian  Version


$ 5 OFF


Egy elegáns, hagyományos, mégis teljesen más, feledhetetlen szakácskönyv melyet több tucat fotó és szórakoztató illusztráció gazdagit es bemutatja a kulináris világ vidamabb oldalat.  Ez az egyedülálló, egyeni szakácskönyv számtalan recept ötlettel szolgal mellyel meglepheti a családját. A konyvben megtalalhatok a régi világ receptjei, paraszt ételek, eredeti alkotásokat és ínyenc különlegességek. A Magyar kulináris világ minden oldala képviselve van a konyv oldalain,  unnepi lakomak remekeitol, izleteses sutemenyek, tortak sorozataig. 

E szép és könnyen követhető gyűjtemény magaba foglalja a legcsodalatosabb es izletesebb Magyar recepteket, melyet az egesz csalad hosszu eveken att elvezni fog. 


Folyekony Meresi Utmutato
Suto Homersekleti Tablazat
Gyogynoveny Szotar
Magyar Porkolt Tortenete
Paraszt Etelek
Unnepi Etelek
Valentine Nap - Szent Baling Nap
Hus Etelek
Sutemenyek es Edessegek




Hungarian Heritage Recipe Library™

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$4.99 OFF


Author Helen M. Radics always listened to the demands of her fans. She has received hundreds of e-mails about creating a cookbook that combines the most popular recipes of her successful cookbook series Hungarian Heritage Recipe Library™. The author has produced a new edition cookbook that's already a best seller.  


As always, Helen M Radics has the ability to captivate her audience, and through the pages of her cookbooks and take them on a journey through Hungary's history rich culinary world.

The best recipes of Helen's Hungarian Heritage Collection™, Mom's Hungarian Heritage Recipes™ & Helen's Hungarian Rhapsody of Recipes™ are fashioned into a cookbook that will make you fall in love with Helen’s unique collection of family favorites and her great-great Grandmother's special recipes loved for generations by the Szabo,Tolnay  and Radics families. She also includes many of her own creations, dreamed up by her fertile imagination. Helen M Radics' books are a bountiful gathering of traditional Hungarian heritage recipes that your family will adore. She has also included the best recipes of her first three books which include all the dishes from the original books.


This Special Edition cookbook contains 3 complete cookbooks with all the recipes (Mom's Hungarian Heritage Recipes, Helen's Hungarian Rhapsody of Recipes, Helen's Hungarian Heritage Collection).





Don't Bitch, Get Skinny!

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$5 OFF


Most of us need support and a guiding hand when it comes to change.  And let's face it, change can be difficult and hard.  However this book will show you that small changes can bring great benefits and also make you realize that eating healthy does not mean an endless array of blend dishes without any flavor.


You will also learn that you don't need to give up on food groups or your favorite dishes.  The two Helens also included a sample menu section that will make it very easy to plan your daily meal or your family's meal.  Because we, as human being, do not like to do anything alone, including dieting. 


But how many of you would be able to ask your family to go on a diet with you and have them comply?  Not very many.  That's why Don't Bitch, Get Skinny is wonderful as it has tasty dishes, refreshing drinks and wonderful tasting sweets.


So, don't just mope around and get depressed about your weight, but do something about it.  Or as the authors say, DON'T BITCH, GET SKINNY!  After all, you deserve to look and feel your best.



Although many times we don’t realize, but we all need a change of lifestyle.  We are no exception.  Motivation could be an issue throughout our life as family and work could occupy our time and sap most of our energy. 


What people don’t understand is that we are not lazy or procrastinators, but busy women with a full plate that doesn’t allow time for ourselves.  Or perhaps we are wrong as we women tend to be our worst enemies and actually we don’t allow time for ourselves.  Ever since we started growing up we were all surrounded by selfless ladies, such as our grandmothers and mother.  They all lived for their families not even realizing that if they didn’t take care of themselves eventually they couldn’t take care of them. 

What is a lifestyle change?  It doesn’t need to be drastic, but a few little changes here and there.  I am not telling you to go out and buy an expensive treadmill, but simply to start walking and eating better. 

When it comes to diet recipes that you will find in this book, you will be amazed to learn that no one will notice that you they are eating healthy dishes. People tend to have a misconception that diet food needs to be flavorless.  However, nothing could be further from the truth.  The use of good, fresh and healthy ingredients, lean, quality meats, health boosting herbs and spices can make us healthier and our culinary creations more exciting. 

Every time you make a mouth-watering recipe or a delectable dessert that has fewer calories your family will thank you for it.  They would never believe that you put them on a diet.  




Ask The Book

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$5 OFF


Author Helen Radics has created this easy to use, fun book to help you with Life’s questions when the answer has not revealed itself to you.


Let’s face it.  Sometimes Life throws us a curve ball and we have no idea what to do; or perhaps we can’t decide whether to go out with that special someone we have eyed for a long time; or just simply want to know if we should go for those expensive new shoes that we fell in love during lunch break.  


Whatever it is, the book is a fun way to help you make up your mind.  Of course, this is not a magic book that grants wishes, although we would all like to have one of those, but a fun little tool to work out the dilemmas that we are facing from time to time…

Think of a question, hold the book in your hand, concentrate and open the book for the answer.

Author Helen Radics jr




Tell Your Fortune

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$5 OFF

$ 20.00

Fortune telling has always been a part of our existence.  Perhaps not everyone believes in it but it is fun nevertheless.  I personally loveto have a tool to guide me on days when I can't possibly find the answer to the problems I'm facing.


This book has been designed to serve as such a tool to unlock the answers to mysteries and dilemmas that we face in our daily existence.  It is very easy and fun to use.  You will not be able to put it down.  You friends will also love it so much that eventfully you must find a way to tell them to get their own copy if they want the friendship to survive.  After all, everyone should have their very own, personal guide in this confusing world we live in...

Think of a question, hold the book in your hand, concentrate and open the book for the answer.

Author Helen Radics  jr




Treasured Hungarian Family Recipes®  The Secret of Hungarian Cooking®  is a registered Trademark of Helen M Radics

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